Monday, 8 December 2014

Love Fight : Little Love and Little Fight

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Love in the way films are shown, their story are floating in love, the reality is the opposite of that. Thre is not any relationship in which love remains forever. Where there is true love, small - big fights also happens. If there is love and love only, then that relationships are false and only for show. Each person is different from each other. When people with two different personalities are connect with each other, everything will be good is not possible.  Their thoughts may remain different in any topics, so there may be small small fights.

Love Fight : Little Love and Little Fight

How long fights are fair in love and when its time to know it has becomes a bell of danger ... Lets Know That.....

Understand each other: 
Each person is different from other. Everyone is required to accept this fact, thus omly it will be long lasting relationships. To make love in relationships, it is necessary to understand each other. If you understand partner's likes and dislikes may love last longer. Relationship is the basis of mutual understanding.

Necessary to honor:
Each others thoughts, feelings and expectations must be honored. Which relationships have respect, it also have love. Love means caring. Love and Fight are two sides of the same coin. Do not expect too much. When another person is not really up to your expectations, it can hurt very badly. Not just with each other, but in honor of all things connected to your partner.

Be obvious: 
Be who you are and let others do the same. Do not try to change each other. Please do not force her. Do not ever try and show that you're very flexible. Do not try to impose your own likes and dislikes on others. Everyone has the freedom to think independently.

How conflicts in fight?
Fights never done by one side only, It is a partnership of both. One way to avoid the conflicts is that when the fight occurs, stay away from there. Do not argue. During fights, even though you're right, but stay silent. Think by cold mind. When the environment is quiet, talk with each other and try to end fight. Look at your face in the mirror and try to control your temper. Your anger will disappear automatically.

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